In one of those keen ironies that seem to define our lives, this blog was linked to last Thursday by Gawker, a major blog which covers New York media and the city in general. The Jan. 3rd Xmas post has received close to 1900 hits since that time and presumably at least a few have been checking back to see what's new and they've found NOTHING. Because the morning after the Gawker link, my laptop refused to respond properly to keyboard input. So just when people may wanna read this thing, I can't WRITE it. I'm sending this in segments as text messages to my e-mail address and will cut and paste - one of the few things my laptop will still do - into the blog. Incidentally, within a day of my computer breaking down, I lost my phone. This is being sent from a new one. If anyone really needed me over the weekend, they would very likely have been shit out of luck. It took 8 texts to do this as my new $14.95 Virgin Mobile phone will only do SHORT messages. I'll write again when I can. Love, Andrew P.S. - My storage wasn't sold. More next time.
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