Greetings From Alt.Coffee!
I'm writing from a different place today. (Geographically, at least.)
Rather than a soulless, corporate, chain cafe, I'm in, which, as its name implies, is an "alternative" coffee house on Avenue A, just across from Tompkins Square Park in the East Village. (Well, the name doesn't imply it's on Avenue A, but, um . . . you can infer it.)
Anyway . . .
Yesterday, I led my sister and nephew to both the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Television and Radio. I think he liked the TV place better but I didn't -- I liked 'em both.
I liked standing amidst the physical expressions of ancient peoples and I liked watching a "Jackie Gleason Show" featuring the musical coupling of Reginald Van Gleason III and Groucho Marx (in full regalia, including painted mustache), from 1967.
Come to think of it, I guess the the two museum experiences sort of offered me the same thing.
The Gleason episode was chosen because of a Gleason tear I was on at the friend's house I've been hiding out in. Specifically, we (I) wanted to know what Gleason's variety shows were like in this late period and, in particular, how they were structured. It seems (I'll have to do more research) they were more or less straight vaudeville shows (as my friend suspected) but with Jackie's comic uniqueness integrated via patter and song.
As for the Danny Thomas immersion that was also part of my week's hide-bernation . . .
I didn't get to see much of his stuff during the short time I was at MTR, but I did get to see the previously elusive opening credits of "Make Room for Grandaddy", the 70s sequel to his long-running sitcom of the '50s and '60s.
But there's so much more to see, I guess I gotta do some hiding out at the museum.
As for this place, they're so alternative that they have a no cell phones sign on the door. Presumably, this is because the use of cell phones would disturb the peacefulness otherwise afforded the thoughtful (and alternative) clientele.
However, the screechiness each time the door opens or the obnoxiously loud music that's periodically played -- I guess only philistines and door-oilers could have their peacefulness disturbed by them.
Oy. six screeches in the last seconds. Tomorrow, I'm going to Starbucks.
Now, it's off to Freddy's to make peace with the cunts. (See Autumn in New York.)
Bye for now.
28 January, 2007 @ 03:44 GMT
(special note -- i'm reprising my edinburgh fringe show from 2004, 'bridge-burner", for one performance, tomorrow (sunday) afternoon in new york. showtime is 4:45 pm, 1/28. location is jimmy's no. 43, downstairs at 43 e. 7 st, west of second av. in the east village.
hope you can make it,
review of show
sound of young america endorsement
Rather than a soulless, corporate, chain cafe, I'm in, which, as its name implies, is an "alternative" coffee house on Avenue A, just across from Tompkins Square Park in the East Village. (Well, the name doesn't imply it's on Avenue A, but, um . . . you can infer it.)
Anyway . . .
Yesterday, I led my sister and nephew to both the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Television and Radio. I think he liked the TV place better but I didn't -- I liked 'em both.
I liked standing amidst the physical expressions of ancient peoples and I liked watching a "Jackie Gleason Show" featuring the musical coupling of Reginald Van Gleason III and Groucho Marx (in full regalia, including painted mustache), from 1967.
Come to think of it, I guess the the two museum experiences sort of offered me the same thing.
The Gleason episode was chosen because of a Gleason tear I was on at the friend's house I've been hiding out in. Specifically, we (I) wanted to know what Gleason's variety shows were like in this late period and, in particular, how they were structured. It seems (I'll have to do more research) they were more or less straight vaudeville shows (as my friend suspected) but with Jackie's comic uniqueness integrated via patter and song.
As for the Danny Thomas immersion that was also part of my week's hide-bernation . . .
I didn't get to see much of his stuff during the short time I was at MTR, but I did get to see the previously elusive opening credits of "Make Room for Grandaddy", the 70s sequel to his long-running sitcom of the '50s and '60s.
But there's so much more to see, I guess I gotta do some hiding out at the museum.
As for this place, they're so alternative that they have a no cell phones sign on the door. Presumably, this is because the use of cell phones would disturb the peacefulness otherwise afforded the thoughtful (and alternative) clientele.
However, the screechiness each time the door opens or the obnoxiously loud music that's periodically played -- I guess only philistines and door-oilers could have their peacefulness disturbed by them.
Oy. six screeches in the last seconds. Tomorrow, I'm going to Starbucks.
Now, it's off to Freddy's to make peace with the cunts. (See Autumn in New York.)
Bye for now.
28 January, 2007 @ 03:44 GMT
(special note -- i'm reprising my edinburgh fringe show from 2004, 'bridge-burner", for one performance, tomorrow (sunday) afternoon in new york. showtime is 4:45 pm, 1/28. location is jimmy's no. 43, downstairs at 43 e. 7 st, west of second av. in the east village.
hope you can make it,
review of show
sound of young america endorsement
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