Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Suspicious Activity

I see there's been a lot of activity in recent hours on the three "Reasons Why" posts I wrote about the Onion show I hosted earlier this month, which didn't go as well I wanted. There've been referrals from various e-mail accounts and people are specifically reading those posts and nothing else, which tells me that someone spotted them and, for some reason, quickly spread the word amongst a group of associates.

I'd like to think the someone in question identified with my humorous attempt to find blame in factors magical and aesthetic rather than in the work itself and my ability to carry it off. But more likely it's comedians, maybe who were at or on the show, sharing a cyber-scoff at the way this deluded schmuck (that would be me) thinks his hairline is the reason he failed.

The posts (except perhaps for #3) are actually somewhat ironic in tone and intended to be funny, yet also contain more than a grain of truth. But the strain of intra-community snippiness I'm sensing/addressing would miss the self-mocking tone and focus entirely on the lengths I seem to go to avoid responsibility for my own actions.

Hey, I hope I'm wrong. Maybe someone will leave a comment and I'll know more about what's going on. But I've been hurt by comedy whispers before, so I hope you'll forgive me for interpreting a normally positive thing -- traffic to the blog -- in a seemingly paranoid fashion.

I'll talk more about the "comedy whispers" thing in a future post. There's a lot coming up -- at least one more installment of "Reasons Why", more "Cocooning", more New York . . .

With any luck, some of it'll be here later today.

'Til then, here are links to the first three "Reasons Why" posts, in case you don't already know what I've been talking about:

Reasons Why (#1)
Reasons Why (#2)
Reasons Why (#3)

BTW, in response to my post, Briefly Changing the Subject, my friend Rachelle wrote, "I think you think too much." Well, dear readers, I think so that you don't have to.

Think to you later,


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