Saturday, February 17, 2007


Well, I've gone and arranged to do take 2 Edinburgh slots as part of the "Free Festival". One's gonna be a completely improvised hour of the sort that was so well-received when I did it 2 years ago. The other will be a "serious"comedic hour of the sort that pissed off audiences last year, especially those who had seen the freewheeling hour the year before and wanted more of the same.

The final week or so of last year's epic struggle was intensely satisfying for me and much of the audience and the lessons learned should greatly inform this year's themed effort, which, as of now, is to be called "Every Day I Write the Book". It bears a relationship to this blog, as it will also be a recounting of this year's experiences but it will not be a staged version of the blog. In fact, the different yet equally factual ways in which the same life can be expressed should be interesting to anyone who's been reading this for a while.

Both shows are scheduled to be presented in a place called Berlin, which, as I understand it, is at, or just past, the "castle end" of Princes Street. (I forget which way is east and which is west.)

I'm guessing I'll see some of you at one or both of the shows. I hope so.

Updates as available.


17 February, 2007 @ 17:02 GMT


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